Headlines, News


Design a Workflow, Win Serious Hardware

[Apple](http://www.apple.com) is sponsoring its 11th annual [Apple Design Awards](http://developer.apple.com/ada/index.html), with winners to be announced at [WWDC 2006](http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/registration.html) in San Francisco, August 7th-11th. If you have an idea for the "Best Mac OS X Automator Workflow", you could walk home an indecently cool prize package; but you gotta be [in it](https://daw.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/DSAuthWeb.woa/wa/login?appIdKey=D13FF5C40FE78FA2BA864CEB0A2B90004C8E4EB042FA9A161F6A628F0291F620&path=/index.php) to win it.


1 Comment »

  1. I submitted one, didn’t get any response from Apple….

    Comment by Audiowizard — July 7, 2006 @ 11:34 am

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