**Function:** Returns the contents of the clipboard from a previous copy action.
**Author**: [Ric Latham](http://www.mac-help.com/)
**Requires**: Text to have been copied to the clipboard
**Input**: This Action will return any data as text, that has been placed on the Clipboard.
**Output**: (Text)
**Notes**: This performs the same functionality as [this tip](http://www.automatorworld.com/archives/store-and-retrieve-workflow-data/), but wrapped up in convenient action format.
This has been updated, please feel free to update your records.
Comment by Ric Latham — November 7, 2005 @ 3:27 pm
Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
God will appreciate it.
Comment by Shakeswette — January 21, 2009 @ 7:34 pm