**Function:** Creates a sub-folder inside the passed folder, and moves any JPEGs in the original folder into that subfolder.
**Author**: [Ben Long](http://www.completedigitalphotography.com)
**Input**: files/folders
**Output**: files/folders
**Notes**: This action was created with Aperture users in mind. When you import JPEG and RAW files of the same name, at the same location, Aperture will ignore the JPEG file. If you first use this action to separate the JPEGs into their own folder, then Aperture will import them.
hello. i am a digital photographer and recent mac convert. i’ve been trying to teach myself automator, without much success. i shoot raw and jpeg, and i was hoping to create a simple workflow to separate the two file types into different folders when i import them onto my computer. i ended up this workflow to move the jpegs, but i still haven’t figured out how to move the raw files into their own folder. i tried to see how your action worked, but i couldn’t figure out how to do that, either. :(
could you either tell me how to modify your action to work with my raw files, or show me where to go online to learn how to do this myself?
thank you so much for your help.
Comment by marc — June 1, 2007 @ 12:22 pm