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Aperture Automator Actions

[Aperture](http://www.apple.com/aperture/) is in users hands now, and the reviews are a bit [mixed](http://arstechnica.com/reviews/apps/aperture.ars/), to put it [mildly](http://www.frostbytes.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/ApertureReview). But hey, it wouldn't be the first time a 1.0 didn't live up to the hype. Aperture comes preloaded with a set of Automator actions: *Retrieve Item References, Store Item References, Assign Keywords to Images, Export Images, Set Image Rating, Set IPTC Tags, Choose Albums, Choose Projects* and *Import Photos.* Assuming you aren't [obsessing](http://homepage.mac.com/foamx/Aperture%20vs%20C1/index.html) over the quality of Aperture's raw conversion, these actions should be handy in enhancing your imaging workflow.



  1. hello,

    Where is the ‘Set IPTC Rating’ action? I only see ‘Set Image Rating’. I would love an action to set an IPTC field for rating based on the Aperture rating. Any ideas?

    Comment by Allan Marcus — January 17, 2006 @ 11:45 am

  2. Sorry, that was a typo! Fixed. What you might want to try is pulling the rating, and applying it to a keyword field.

    Comment by Steve — January 17, 2006 @ 12:38 pm

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