**Function:** Export images from Aperture projects or albums into iPhoto so they can be used in the iLife apps. The attached zip includes two applications... one for exporting projects, the other for albums.
**Author**: [Jason Soto](http://www.shutterhead.com/)
**Notes**: Read me included for operating instructions. Tested on both Intel and PowerPC Macs and v1.0, 1.0.1 and 1.1 Aperture and into iPhoto6. Author will assist downloaders with customization to suit their specific needs or application.
If you’d like to automatically close Aperture after the export process, Apple makes it possible with a quick and dirty action downloadable here…
Here’s how to make it work…
1. Download the action from the link above
2. Mount the disk image
3. Copy the action to your hard drive
4. Start Automator
5. Import the action you copied in step 3
6. Open each of the A > i workflows
6. Insert the Quit Application action below the Export Images Action, choose Yes from the Save pull-down
7. Save, close and use
Comment by Jason Soto — May 12, 2006 @ 1:37 am
Thank you for making this. You just saved me a few hours of tedious work
Comment by Noah — May 25, 2006 @ 9:48 pm
Hi, thanks for the script. It crashes with: ‘AppleScript Error: the previously chosen destination folder does not exist on this compuer. (-2700)’. Whatever value for ‘export Subfolder’ I choose, this error pops up every time.
Any idea?
rgrds rgr
Comment by rogier — March 26, 2007 @ 2:03 pm
Aperture 1.5.2 has integrated to work with the iLife applications. Look at the app preferences and select the quality of the preview. If you do not use previews for all your images already, you can do so with selected images.
Comment by me100finn — April 11, 2007 @ 4:40 am
[…] few other solutions exist for simplifying this process and automating it further. You could try this Automator script which, while a little dated, could do the […]
Pingback by How-To: Move Photos From Aperture to iPhoto — July 23, 2009 @ 1:01 pm