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Automator Developer Updates

Along with the release of [Xcode 2.1](http://developer.apple.com/tools/xcode/index.html), which is geared towards the [Great Intel Migration of 2006](http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/wwdc05/), Apple has updated the Automator [Developer Documentation](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Automator-date.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000418-TP40001673), the [tutorial](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/AutomatorTutorialAppleScript/index.html), and is providing new [release notes](http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/AppleApplications/Automator.html). Automator 1.0.1 is due to be released with the forthcoming 10.4.2 system update.



  1. Automator 1.0.1 is already available as an update which is part of Xcode 2.1. It contains support for a third way of creating Actions, through shell scripts (previously, you only had the option to create them using Objective-C and Cocoa, or through AppleScript Studio).

    Comment by l0ne — June 8, 2005 @ 2:19 am

  2. That’s true, but for all the bug fixes the 10.4.2 updater will be required.

    Comment by Steve — June 8, 2005 @ 7:17 am

  3. When’s the 10.4.2 release coming? I feel like I’m holding off on several things hoping that it’ll fix probs.

    Comment by H-Dog — June 10, 2005 @ 12:02 pm

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