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Automator Fixes in OS X 10.5.2 Update

[AppleScript](http://www.apple.com/applescript/) Product Manager [Sal Soghoian](http://homepage.mac.com/applescript.guru/) was kind enough to drop me an email detailing a number of fixes to Automator that went unmentioned in the [release notes](http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=307109) of the recent OX 10.5.2 update:

* Show When Run issues
* Tiger-based actions not working because of File-or-Folder typing
* Tiger-based droplets not responding
* Incorrect Find and Filter action results

Hopefully these changes will correct issues users have had. Thanks, Sal!



  1. I’m just a novice user, and did a number of context menu items under tiger, but went kinda south under Leopard. Scripts are dead slow to launch, and are buried under more menu items in a very un-mac way.

    1. Any way to get my speed back (scripts take like 20 seconds to even begin to start)
    2. Any way to pull my context menu extension back up to the root hierarchy?


    Comment by Spinnetti — February 23, 2008 @ 9:04 am

  2. Hi, I have had these same problems. Did you ever find a fix? Thanks, Gerhard

    Comment by Gerhard Schoenthal — March 24, 2008 @ 10:18 am

  3. Likewise, I’ve had the same issue. Any fix for the sluggishness?

    Comment by DANDRE — June 8, 2008 @ 3:07 am

  4. If your workflow is a finder plug-in, and begins with “Get Selected Finder Item”, delete that initial step. Once it is removed, the start up speed will be acceptable again.

    Apparently “Get Selected Finder Item” is inserted by Automator at run-time, and there are issues if that item is also present at the beginning of a finder plug-in.

    Comment by Eric — June 24, 2008 @ 12:47 am

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