**Function:** The Automator Loop Utility will convert workflow files to workflow applets that repeat their workflow at indicated intervals. Simply drag workflow files onto the droplet and choose the loop duration and location for the new applets.
**Author**: [Nyhthawk Productions](http://automator.us/)
[…] Skulle der være nogen der var blevet bidt af en gal automator, så kan det være at et Loop Utility kan være til hjælp. Automator Loop Utility er et meget lille program der gør det muligt at starte Automator-arbejdsgange i et bestemt tidsinterval. Jeg har med succes sat Automator til at tage et billede med mit kamera og vise det på min Mac med 20 sekunders interval. Det har gjort at jeg kan fotografere skyernes gang over himmelen, skyggerne i haven og ikke mindst udviklingen af en festlig aften. Alle de billeder jeg tager sætter jeg bare efter hinanden, og så har man en lækker super-fast film. At tage billeder er selvfølgelig kun en af mange ting man kan bruge programmet til, kun fantasien sætter grænserne. Tags: […]
Pingback by Automator Loop Utility (Cupertino - Mac tips) — November 24, 2005 @ 2:41 pm
Works well, but the 30 second limitation is a problem. I need to duplicate 1000 folders, and waiting 30 seconds between each duplication will take about 8 hours for the whole batch to complite. Still easier than doing it manually, but not as easy as it could have been.
Comment by Trent Harris — January 18, 2006 @ 11:46 am
[…] […]
Pingback by Interesting News Posts — March 10, 2006 @ 12:28 am
I wanted to download images off a webcam to make a movie, and used Automator to make a droplet. 30 seconds was too long for me too, so I created two apps of the automation, and had them load eachother upon completion.
Another problem with the loop utility was that if one image for some reason took longer than 30 seconds to download, it had problems naming them correctly. The loopback (launcing eachother method) solved that, since it didn’t start again until it’d completed.
Comment by emgee — August 31, 2006 @ 10:19 am
I did ofcourse not use Automator to make a droplet. I ment Applet! :)
Comment by emgee — August 31, 2006 @ 10:20 am
While the 30 second limitation is a problem, you can achieve the same results by not using “Automator Loop Utility” at all.
I just added a “Run Workflow” to the end of the workflow I wanted to repeat and told it to run itself again. The only thing with this is that you have to stop it manually.
Hope this helps!
Comment by sentinel — May 11, 2007 @ 9:34 am
I have tried the tip of Sentinel indicated as:
“I just added a “Run Workflow” to the end of the workflow I wanted to repeat and told it to run itself again. The only thing with this is that you have to stop it manually.”
But in my case, it only duplicated three times in a row. This is what I did:
1. Drag a Folder to Automator (I want to duplicate such folder again and again until the disk is full).
2. Drag “Duplicate Finder Items”.
3. Drag “Automator/Run Workflow”, selecting the “Finder/Duplicate Finder Items” as workflow.
If I run it, the folder is duplicated three times in a row and then I get the error:
“The file does not appear to contain a valid workflow document”
How to “tell it to run itself” again and again until the disk is full? In other words, how to make it duplicate for ever until the disk is full?
Comment by AutoX — August 1, 2007 @ 1:10 pm
Doesnt work?!?!
I have os x 10.4.11 and when i download and open it immediatly closes, please help!
Comment by Harry — June 8, 2008 @ 8:53 am
I have the same problem. I know this is an old post but I cannot find the answer anywhere. I am using Mac OS 10.4.11 and just downloaded the automator loop utility today. I quits immediately and does not put a droplet on the desktop. Thanks for any help
Comment by Dave — June 27, 2009 @ 8:00 pm
The 30 second limitation is easy to fix. Download and unzip the utility. Right-click on the resulting app and select “Show Package Contents”. Navigate to Contents/Resources/Scripts/main.scpt and double click it. The script editor will open and right there on top are the limitations. I put in property minimumidle : 1 and property defaultidle : 10. Hit “Save” and close the script. You’re done. You can now run things with short delay times. You might want to try zero delay to see what that does.
Comment by Steve — February 16, 2010 @ 12:31 am
Oh… forgot to mention one thing… GOOD LUCK STOPPING THE LOOP after you’ve modified the script and you set your loop times real low. Give yourself a break. Leave a few seconds to let you stop it.
Comment by Steve — February 16, 2010 @ 12:36 am