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Automator World Turns Terrible Twos

Today, July 1st, is the second anniversary of Automator World. We opened our doors with the posting of the amazingly-cool and complicated workflow ["Convert Images to Sepia/640"](http://www.automatorworld.com/archives/convert-image-to-sepia640/). At the time there wasn't much you could do with Automator beyond simple workflows like that, but the past two years have brought a great flood of 3rd party actions for both general use and specific applications.

Apple has been slowly tweaking the program, making it less buggy and more efficient (with a very good speed-up issue [just this week](http://www.automatorworld.com/archives/os-x-1047-updates-automator/)). Here's hoping at the [August WWDC](http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/index.html?homepage) Steve Job's preview of Mac OS X Leopard will include a peek at a major upgrade of Automator.



  1. Congratulations!

    Two years already, wow, it doesn’t feel that long. Automator has a lot of potential and I hope there are some big new changes coming for it. WWDC is not too far off now!

    Comment by Sean — July 1, 2006 @ 12:32 pm

  2. Thanks yeah, I’m hoping for some 2.0 goodness. I’d love to see a refinement of the interface, but more than anything, conditional branching. That would make Automator go from a handy tool to a truly powerful one.

    Comment by Steve — July 1, 2006 @ 12:53 pm

  3. Thank you for two years of providing timely and interesting information and resources for the Automator community. We owe you much! I’m sure this year will be even better (hint, hint). — Sal

    Comment by Sal Soghoian — July 22, 2006 @ 11:49 pm

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