**Function:** This action takes a selected movie and transmits it to ffmpegX in order to create, on your desktop, a thumbnail and a movie for a PSP. The process is rather long as it's a 2 pass encoding that produces the best possible video in the AVC format (H264 and AAC). Once completed, all you have to do is to mount your PSP and put these files under the "MP_ROOT/100ANV01" directory.
**Author**: [PEM](http://pemarchandet.free.fr)
**Notes**: This action requires a regular installation of [ffmpegX](http://www.ffmpegx.com/). This is my first Otto's action and also my first submisson. Do not hesitate to give me some feedback.
Hello I need your help
I congratulate you for your workflow . I want to know if you can make one to convert video files to avi from rmvb format with the same program ffmpegX.
be great if you did
Thank you very much
Comment by Mattmoss — March 16, 2009 @ 3:06 am