**Function:** Converts the encoding format of the selected iTunes items and moves them to the destination of choice.
**Author**: [Michael Allbritton](mailto:mpbritt@mac.com)
**Notes**: This workflow requires [Doug's Actions for iTunes Vol. 1](http://www.dougscripts.com/itunes/scripts/scripts12.php?page=1#dougsactionsvol1). I wrote this workflow because I wanted an easy way to convert and move the live music I download without having to be constantly adjusting the encoder prefs in iTunes. This WF makes the process very easy. This WF will also work with tracks on an audio CD. .
u got a ton of errors when i tried to rung this workflow…does it work for anyone else?
Comment by automeat — November 10, 2005 @ 5:15 am
Send me an email and tell me what kind of errors you’re getting.
Comment by Michael Allbritton — December 9, 2005 @ 3:15 pm