**Function:** Download Color Field Images takes the name of a color, and will attempt to download the number images you specify that are primarily that color. This action currently relies on photos being correctly tagged with their appropriate color on Flickr, so is not always accurate.
**Author**: [Blake Seely](http://www.blakeseely.com)
**Requires**: Download Color Field Images requires an active internet connection so that it can connect to Flickr and download the appropriate images.
**Input**: None / Anything. (It will ignore input)
**Output**: (Files/Folders) The Downloader will save the files to disk and pass the paths to the next action.
**Notes**: This action relies on Flickr and the Color Fields group. It also relies on owners to actually tag their images with color information, so it may not always be accurate. The downloader will also watermark each image with the owner's Flickr username and the URL for the image on Flickr.
I put up version 2.0 of this action here:
This new version will match any color – using the standard Mac OS color picker – instead of accepting the name of the color. This means you can match a huge variety of colors much more accurately. If a photo contains large swaths of very different colors, it may not match correctly, but so far, most everything I’ve tried has been pretty good. For example, a photo of an orange pillow on a white couch may actually match as off-green, but if it’s an orange pillow on an orange couch, it will match correctly to some shade of orange).
Comment by Blake Seely — February 28, 2006 @ 2:11 pm