**Function:** Scales an image to the longest side, JPEG compression or target file size. Requires [iMagine Photo](http://www.yvs.eu.com/downloading.html).
**Author**: [Kevin Meaney](http://www.yvs.eu.com)
**Notes**: Scales the image so that the longest edge is the length specified in the action interface. The action interface will also allow you to specify either the jpeg compression quality or the desired file size if the image file is a jpeg file. Download includes an installer.
**Requires**: Image files of type BMP (.bmp), GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), JPEG 2000 (.jp2), PDF (single page .pdf), PICT (.pct or .pict), PNG (.png), or TIFF (.tif or .tiff).
**Input**: (Image files)
**Result**: (Image files)
[…] I need to scale and optimize images for the web quite often. So I was especially dissapointed to find that the built in action for scaling an image is not that great at getting the file size down. I found iMagine Photo Scale To and it works great. The only downside is that you need to load the iMagine Photo application. Good news is that it’s all free and you can pick it up at http://www.automatorworld.com/archives/imagine-photo-scale-to/ […]
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