**Function:** Two workflows that toggle the icon view state of a folder: *Make Icons Large* sets the icon view of the selected folder contents to 128x128, turns on "Show Icon Preview" and sets the window to folder view. *Make Icons Normal* sets the folders contents to 48x48 icons and browser view.
**Author**: [Nathan Smith](mailto:themacguy2k@mac.com)
**Notes**: I sometimes like to have a folder of pictures that I want to show people and don't want to add them to iPhoto. Using *Make Icons Large* is a great way to view pictures very quickly without opening an actual application. This is nothing more then some basic Automator actions but really saves a lot of time.
*There is a small bug in the* Set Folder Views *action that bears mentioning: The "Icon Size" slider will properly set the icon size, but on reopening the saved workflow, the text will read "48" - Steve.*
Excellent shortcut! Thanks, Nathan.
Comment by Peter Dekkers — May 25, 2005 @ 12:12 pm
Great idea, but doesn’t appear to work as plug-in in Finder.
Comment by Brian Hamill — May 28, 2005 @ 2:20 am