**Function:** Crops images to area and location, unlike default Apple one which centers image.
**Author**: [James Pitts](http://www.turtlehead.co.uk)
**Requires**: Image files of type BMP (.bmp), GIF (.gif), JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), JPEG 2000 (.jp2), PDF (single page .pdf), PICT (.pct or .pict), PNG (.png), or TIFF (.tif or .tiff).
**Input**: (Image files)
**Output**: (Image files)
**Notes**: Warning: Contents of input are overwritten.
Fantastic, just what I was looking for! It does exactly what it says. Perfect for batch-cropping screenshots, etc.
Comment by Fadookie — October 20, 2006 @ 2:12 pm
This works great when I run it from within Automator but when I save the same workflow as a Finder plugin it overcrops everything. Anyone else experience this? Any fixes?
Comment by immensewok — November 4, 2007 @ 6:31 pm