**Function:** This Action gets a file as input, then asks for a name and location to save it to and moves the file. If you don't specify an extension, the original file's is used (if exists). An example workflow that uses this Action (Combine Selected PDFs) is included as well.
**Author**: Gábor Balázs Székely
**Requires**: A single file.
**Input**: (Files/Folders) A file
**Output**: (Files/Folders) A file
**Notes**: I tried to test it under many circumstances, hopefully it will work well. I didn't intend to use it to move folders. Overwriting: if you specify the extension and in the target folder exists a file with the same name and extension, the Save As dialog box will ask you if you really want to overwrite that one. However, if you don't specify an extension but there is a file with the same name and an extension that matches that of the input file's, the Action will overwrite it without asking - because of limitations of the Save As panel.
Great! Thanks for providing this action to Automator (kinda strange it’s not already there). I’d like to request an improvement, however. Can you make it so that one can specify (in the Automator workflow interface) a default location and filename?
Thanks again.
Comment by Martin — June 27, 2006 @ 10:38 am
This action answers a need of mine but it doesn’t seem to work well in Leopard. I was hoping to debug it under Leopard but the script was saved as run only. I am hoping the author will release the source (I am not a programmer) or update this action.
Comment by Adam Borin — March 25, 2008 @ 10:16 pm
[…] verrebbe abbastanza automatico visto che ci dobbiamo lavorare, dovete scaricare dal seguente sito: http://automatorworld.com/archives/save-file-as/ la funzione Save as che non esiste purtroppo in Automator e installarla, é questione di un paio di […]
Pingback by iTecnologici » Blog Archive » Join PDFs — November 4, 2009 @ 5:33 pm
Found another way to do this,
doesn’t allow user to select path… but there should be a way to use this skeleton to do that too… another variable maybe
So, here’s how to do it
add a “run a shell script”, set pass input: as arguments
add the following:
for f in “$@”
cat “$path””$f” > ~/Desktop/Scanned/Combined.pdf
Comment by zeigerpuppy — June 24, 2010 @ 1:21 am