

Xcode 1.5 Released

In Automator-related news, Apple has released Xcode 1.5. While Xcode obviously doesn't yet support the creation of Automator Actions, if you're an Xcode junkie, you will no doubt find the following enhancements quite exciting:

-Dead-code stripping
-Remote debugging
-gcc 3.3 improvements for speed and -fast robustness
-Code completion for Java and AppleScript Subversion source-code control system support
-Native build system support for AppleScript
-Enhanced debugger with memory and globals browsers, as well as the ability to display file static variables
-Faster editor performance
-Ant templates
-Documentation bookmarks
-Speed improvements

UPDATE: For those who griped that Xcode 1.5 was released as segments, a single CD .dmg is now available at the ADC site.


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